
Latest Govt Jobs in Maharashtra 2019

For government job seekers in Maharashtra, there is good news as Maharashtra Govt Jobs offer an immense array of employment opportunities for candidates from all qualifications!

Govt Jobs in Maharashtra

The Maharashtra government even offers lucrative employment options for candidates who are 10th pass or 12th pass

A detailed list of Maharashtra Govt Jobs are provided at the bottom of this article. Kindly go through them and identify the one that you are pursuing.

Government Jobs in Maharashtra 2018 provide good salary structure and amazing perks. Therefore, government job vacancies in Maharashtra are highly sought after.

Current Govt Jobs Opening in Maharashtra are available for fresher’s as well as experienced job seekers.

State government job vacancies are available for aspirants who have the basic qualification and are looking for 10th pass and 12th pass Govt jobs in Maharashtra.

10th pass government jobs in Maharashtra are available for individuals who have passed their 10th board exams and are searching jobs in a number of departments like the Labour Department, Public works department and Transport Sector.

12th pass government jobs are available for individuals who have cleared their matriculation and are seeking jobs in Finance department, Government offices like Income Tax and also in the Police Force.

More technical vacancies can be availed by individuals who have completed graduation or post-graduation in a wide range of courses including ITI, BA, B.Sc, BTech, B.Com, Engineering, B.E., I.T., B.Sc.IT, MBBS, B.Ed, MBA, and many more such streams.

All the data you will need about the Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit, Application information, Salary structure, selection procedure and other recruitment information is presented here.

Upcoming Govt Job Vacancies in Maharashtra provides you with the latest and most accurate information regarding Maharashtra Government jobs. Want a job in the booming Maharashtra finance industry?

Perhaps you seek a job in one of the many government organizations of Maharashtra Govt? Or maybe you are interested in Defense and police jobs in Maharashtra.

Worry no more as we have worked hard to provide you with thorough articles about Govt Recruitment Notifications in Maharashtra.

In our extensive catalog of government job related articles, you will find download links for Sarkari Result and Admit Cardof various Maharashtra Govt Recruitment.

We also provide support with respect to study material and exam details. We provide a concise list of articles about previous papers and Exam Syllabus for Maharashtra Govt jobs. All of these will assist you in all the various Government Recruitment in the Maharashtra.

Use our resources to ensure that you get the desired Govt vacancy in Maharashtra.

So go through our assorted list of Upcoming Govt jobs in Maharashtra and pick one that suits your desires.

All the best for all your future endeavors!

Government Organizations that are hiring job seekers in Maharashtra

Information TechnologyRevenue DepartmentHome DepartmentAgriculture Department
General Administration DepartmentSocial Justice and Special Assistance DepartmentForest DepartmentHousing Department
Food and Drug AdministrationAnimal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries DevelopmentRural Development and Panchayat Raj DepartmentTourism and Cultural Affair Department
School Education and Sports DepartmentUrban Development DepartmentPublic Works DepartmentFinance Department
Higher and Technical Education DepartmentLaw and Judiciary DepartmentWater Resources DepartmentMaharashtra State Road Transport Corporation
Planning DepartmentWomen and Child Development DepartmentWater Conservation and EGS DepartmentTribal Development Department
Water Supply and SanitationPublic Health DepartmentMaharashtra State Electricity BoardEnvironment Department
Co-operation, Marketing and Textile DepartmentTextile DepartmentMarathi Language DepartmentEmployment and Self Employment Department
Minority Development DepartmentFood, Civil Supply and Consumer Protection DepartmentParliamentary Affair DepartmentLabour Department

Police Bharti Maharashtra Age Limit and Physical Test Details along with Medical Test Details | Maharashtra Police Recruitment Application Date

MahaPolice Bharti 2019

Maharashtra Police Bharti Dates

Release Date of Official NotificationWill be updated later
Date of submission of the Application FormWill be updated later
Last date of submission of the application formWill be updated later
Release date of admit cardWill be updated later
Date of Physical testWill be updated later
Date of examWill be updated later
Result announcementWill be updated later

Maharashtra Mega Bharti Notification - 70,000 Vacancies from various departments

Maha Mega Bharti महाराष्ट्र मेगा भरती

Department wise Total Posts in Maharashtra Mega Recruitment

Sr. NoRecruitment BoardNo. of VacanciesOfficial Link
1Arogya Vibhag10568 PostsClick Here
2Gram Vikas Vibhag11000 PostsClick Here
3Gruh Vibhag7111 PostsClick Here
4Krushi Vibhag2500 PostsClick Here
5Pashusanvardhan Vibhag1047 PostsClick Here
6Sarvajanik Bandhkam Vibhag8337 PostsClick Here
7Jalsampada Vibhag8227 PostsClick Here
8Jalsandharan Vibhag2423 PostsClick Here
9Matsya Vyavsay Vikas Vibhag90 PostsClick Here
10Nagar Vikas Vibhag1500 PostsClick Here
11Van VibhagClick Here

Maharashtra Gram Vikas Vibhag Qualification- Mega Bharti Gram Vikas Vibhag Posts

Maharashtra Gram Vikas Vibhag Recruitment 2020

Recruitment BoardMaharashtra Rural Development Department
Number of Vacancies 13514 vacancies
Post NameJunior Engineer (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical), Vistar Adhikari (Panchayat), Gram Sevak, Health Supervisor , Pharmacist, Laboratory Technician and more
Category12th Pass Govt Jobs
Application End DatesTo be declared
Tentative Preliminary Test DatesTo be declared
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