Latest Exam Syllabus

Are you looking for the syllabus and exam pattern for your particular Sarkari exam? Let it be any Govt job exam syllabus, IBPS syllabus or SSC CGL Exam Syllabus or RRB Syllabus even the UPSC exam syllabus, all have their characteristics which make them different from each of the other.

Most of the Sarkari Naukri syllabus covers a wide range of topics such as the field of specialization and predominantly general knowledge questions. So if you are looking to pass the latest Sarkari exam, then start preparing by looking at the detailed information given below about each of the main govt job exams.

Please note that we also give the detailed information about the syllabus of all the competitive exams which are coming up. So to know more about the latest govt jobs and their syllabus, stay tuned to our site by subscribing to our website (enter your email id now) or by bookmarking this page to your favorite browser.

महाराष्ट्र पोलिस भरती अभ्यासक्रम Maharashtra Police Bharti Syllabus PDF in Marathi - Download Maha Police Constable/ Shipai Exam Pattern along with Physical Test Details

Maharashtra Police Syllabus 2019

Recruitment BoardMaharashtra Police Department
Number of Vacancies7000 vacancies
Post NamePolice Shipai

Karagruh Shipai

Application End DatesTo be declared
Maharashtra Police Bharti 2019 Exam DateTo be declared
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