The MAH DMA exam syllabus 2023 is given here in great detail. We are here to give you the edge over other people and guide you exactly how you need to study for the MAHA DMA exam. The MAHA DMA recruitment notification 2023is something which is considered very prized and special and people are trying very hard to get into the organization.
Aspirants will find the Maharashtra Nagar Parishad Syllabus along with DMA Maharashtra Exam Pattern 2018 here. You can either refer to this article given or download the PDF for each of the Directorate of Municipal Administration Maharashtra examinations.
You can also refer to MAHA DMA Administrative Officer Exam Syllabus pdf which will guide you if you want to prepare the exam thoroughly. The study material given for the MAHADMA Accountant Syllabus 2018 & MAHA DMA Auditor Test Pattern.
You can find the detailed account on the official website We have also given the latest DMA Maharashtra Engineer Syllabus 2023.
Name of the Recruitment Board | Maharashtra Directorate of Municipal Administration (MAHA DMA) | महाराष्ट्र महानगर पालिका संचालनालय |
Post Name | Engineer, Administrator & Auditors |
Number of Vacancies | 1889 Jobs |
Job Category | Maharashtra Govt Jobs |
Last Date for Online Registration | 17th Julyl 2023 |
MAHA DMA Online Examination Date | to be declared |
Official Website | |
Are you looking for an updated Maharashtra DMA Accountant Exam Question Paper Pattern 2023?
Then the answer is here. In this post, we have brought out the complete information about Maha DMA prelims and mains exam pattern. This is given in a tabular format below. We have also attached some of the previous year’s papers here which will help you get a rough idea about what you need to look out for.
MAHA DMA Preliminary Test Pattern 2023
Sr. No | Topics | Total Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
1. | English | 10 | 10 | 1 ½ hour |
2. | Marathi | 10 | 10 | |
3. | General Studies | 20 | 20 | |
4. | Engineering Aptitude Test | 60 | 60 | |
Total | 100 Questions | 100 Marks | 90 Minutes |
MAHA DMA Maharashtra Nagar Parishad Main Exam Pattern 2023
Sr.No | Topics | Total Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
1. | Concerned Subject related questions (Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Computer/Environmental Engineering). | 150 Questions | 150 Marks | 2 Hours |
Maybe you’re looking forDirectorate of Municipal Administration Maharashtra
Accountant Exam Pattern 2023
We have given the MAHA DMA Engineer Exam pattern along with the prelims test pattern. We have also given the subject names, total no. of questions, time duration and maximum marks of the written test. In addition to that, we have given out the question papers like how we promised, along with the problematic areas, level of difficult questions & all other details.
MAHA DMA Syllabus 2023 for Administrative Officer – English
The administrative officer syllabus is given next. If you want to check out the syllabus for the English, then continue reading. These are some of the things which will be asked in the Administrative officer teste for English.
♦ Sentence Completion
♦ Spotting Errors
♦ Idioms and Phrases
♦ Antonyms
♦ Para Completion
♦ Synonyms
♦ Sentence Arrangement
♦ Fill in the blanks
♦ Sentence Improvement
♦ Error Correction (Underlined Part)
♦ Substitution
♦ Active Voice and Passive Voice
♦ Joining Sentences
♦ Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)
♦ Prepositions
♦ Passage Completion
DMA Maharashtra Accountant Syllabus 2023 – Marathi
People appearing for the Accountant exam must also write the Marathi test which will test their language skills in Marathi as the job location is Marathi.
♦ Idioms & Phrases.
♦ Transformation of Sentences.
♦ Vocabulary.
♦ Tenses.
♦ Grammar.
♦ Comprehension.
♦ Antonyms.
♦ Synonyms.
♦ Fill in the Blanks.
♦ Usage of Words.
MAHA DMA Administrative Officer Exam Syllabus 2023 – Engineering Aptitude Test
The MAHADMA Administrative officer exam syllabus 2023 is given below. Keep in mind that this is for the prelims and not the main examination. The given below topics are for applied mathematics.
♦ Applied Mathematics
♦ Double, Triple Integration.
♦ Matrices.
♦ Differentiation under an Integral sign, numerical integration.
♦ Application of multiple integrals.
♦ Differential equations with constant and variable coefficients.
♦ Partial Differentiation.
The next segment covers elements of civil engineering which you must cover in order to get selected for the test.
Components of Civil Engineering
♦ Substructure and Superstructure.
♦ Materials and construction.
♦ Introduction to automation in construction.
♦ Use of maps and field surveys.
♦ Use of basic materials cement, bricks, stone.
Engineering Mechanics
Mechanics engineering applicants must be thorough with all these concepts mentioned below.
♦ Laws of friction.
Moment of energy principles.
- A condition of equilibrium for concurrent forces, parallel forces and non-concurrent forces.
A system of Co-planar Forces.
- Application of problems involving wedges, ladders, screw friction.
Kinematics of Particle.
Basic Computer Engineering
- Working with files.
- Principles of Object-Oriented Programming.
- Introduction to graphics and data structures.
- Object-Oriented Systems Development.
- Beginning with C++.
- Class and Objects.
Components of Electrical Engineering
- Single Phase Transformer.
- RMS and an average value.
- Three phase circuits.
- Laws and power transfer theorems.
- AC & DC circuits.
- The relationship between phase, line currents and voltages.
Components of Mechanical Engineering
- Machine elements.
- Heat Transfer.
- Power plants.
- Machine tools.
- Thermodynamics.
- Manufacturing processes and their applications.
- Materials used in Engineering and their application metals.
- Power Transmission devices.
DMA Maharashtra Exam Syllabus 2023 – General Studies
General studies are a very important part of the MAHA DMA recruitment process. You need to be thorough with the following concepts.
- Indian Economy.
- Current affairs related to India and world.
- Indian Geography with special reference to Maharashtra.
- Institutions engaged in environmental conservations at state, national and international level.
- Environment.
- Indian Political System.
MAHA DMA Mains Exam Syllabus 2023
Now that you have crossed the prelims arena, it’s time for you to move onto the Main exam which you will have to clear in order to get over to your dream job. So for computer engineering, you need to be familiar with the following topics.
Computer Engineering
♦ Databases.
♦ Hash functions.
♦ Run time Environments.
♦ Network Security.
♦ Combination and sequential circuits.
♦ Programming & Data Structures.
♦ ER models.
♦ Algorithms.
♦ Main memory and secondary storage.
♦ Programming in C.
♦ Digital Logic.
♦ Object-oriented concepts.
♦ Operating System.
♦ Computer organization and architecture.
♦ Theory of Computation.
♦ Compiler Design.
♦ Inter-process communication.
♦ Computer Networks.
♦ Turing machines and undecidability.
Mechanical/ Environment Engineering
♦ Heat Transfer.
♦ Internal Combustion Engine.
♦ Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
♦ Materials Technology.
♦ Solid waste.
♦ Fluid Mechanics and Turbo-machinery.
♦ Applied Thermodynamics.
♦ Environmental impact assessment and acts.
♦ Power Plant Engineering.
♦ Renewable Energy Sources (solar, wind).
♦ Environmental Chemistry.
♦ Water Sources, quality.
♦ Wastewater.
♦ Theory of Machines and Vibration.
♦ A strength of Materials.
♦ Air pollution fundamentals.
♦ Design of Machine Elements.
Electrical Engineering
- Load flow studies.
- Work, Power, Energy, Resistance, Capacitance, Inductance, RLC, DC circuits.
- Operational amplifier.
- Fundamentals of energy conversion.
- DC machines and motors.
- Sensors and transducers.
- KCL, KVL, Network Theorems.
- Lightning protection.
- VFD for induction, synchronous motors.
- Basics of electromagnetic and electrostatic, series and parallel magnetic circuits.
- Energy scenario in India.
- Power Devices.
- Combinational and sequential circuits.
- Electricity Acts.
- A principle of Circuit breaking, arc extinction, over current, earth fault, distance protection.
- Underground cable and cable accessories.
- Principles of feedback, a transfer function.
- Power generation in India & Maharashtra.
- Fundamentals of wind power generation and grid interface.
Civil Engineering
- Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Machines.
- Design of reinforced concrete structures.
- Structural Analysis.
- Environmental Engineering.
- Solid Waste Management.
- Building Construction & Materials.
- Bridge Engineering.
- Geo-technical Engineering.
- Steel Structures.
- Water Supply Engineering.
- Theory of Structures.
- Strength of Materials.
- Pre-stressed concrete.
- Surveying.
- Engineering Hydrology.
- Waste Water Engineering & Pollution control.
- Computer-aided analysis & design of structures.
- Construction planning & management.
- Highway Engineering.
- Tunneling.
- Estimating, Costing and valuation.
Click Here to Download Official MAHA DMA Exam Syllabus 2018
DMA Maharashtra Exam Preparation Tips
Now that you know the portion of the exams, it is time we give you some tips and tricks to figure out a way to crack the code of this examination. So if you are still reading and have reached till the end of the page, you might as well just read through this.
- Check out the syllabus of the exam for Maharashtra Municipal Services Recruitment Examination 2023 @
- Try to look into the previous papers and figure out the most important portion among the group given.
- Try to prioritize the list and then cover that portion in the list of its importance.
- If you are trying to study last minute, DO NOT attempt to cover everything at once.
- Cover only the most important part, and just skim through the rest of the portion (if you have time) in order to get the best results.
Hope this article helped you out in the preparation of the MAHA DMA syllabus 2023. If you thought this article was helpful, then check out other articles which give you more information about the latest govt jobs in India. So you can subscribe to us by entering your email address and you will get notified every time we bring out new content. You should also bookmark us to your favorite browser and comment down below if you have any doubts regarding the MAHA DMA syllabus.