BSF SI GD Syllabus :You can download the BSF SI GD Syllabus and Exam pattern pdf here. The BSF SI Syllabus and Exam Pattern are useful for all the candidates who are currently pursuing the BSF SI GD post. With the BSF Si Syllabus attached here, you can truly prepare yourself for the BSF SI GD Written and Physical Exam.
The BSF SI Exam dates have not yet been declared. We will display the latest information regarding the BSF SI Exam on this page as soon as it is released. Since this is an All India Recruitment, you can expect tough competition in the BSF SI Written Exam.
Therefore you can utilize the BSF SI Syllabus to assist you in your preparation process for this amazing opportunity by the BSF. Also, don’t forget to check out the BSF SI Exam Pattern for both the Written and Physical exam.
Selection Process for BSF SI GD Recruitment@ bsf.nic.inCandidates who have applied must check RPF Sub Inspector Jobs Selection Process in the following sections:
Subject wise Exam Marks for BSF SI Written Exam
Tabulated below is the BSF SI GD Written Exam Paper Pattern. Candidates are urged to check it in order to understand the subject wise marks weightage.
Sr. No. | Subjects | Marks |
1 | General Intelligence and Reasoning | 50 marks |
2 | Comprehension and Communication Skill | 50 marks |
3 | Numerical Ability | 50 marks |
4 | General Awareness and Professional Knowledge | 50 marks |
Total | 200 marks |
Candidates must ensure that they score at least 45% in each subject individually and 50 % overall marks in the examination in order to pass the BSF SI GD Written Exam.
BSF SI GD Physical Measurements (PMT) Test
All candidates appearing for the BSF SI GD PMT (Physical Measurements Exam) will have to satisfy the following Physical Standards requirements as prescribed by the BSF. The Physical Measurements standard for both male and female candidates are enlisted below.
Physical Measurement – Male Candidates | |||
General | Height 170 cms | Chest Unexpanded 80 cms | Chest Expanded 85 cms |
For Candidates belonging to the Garhwalis, Kumaoni, Gorkha, Dogra, Maratha, and candidates from the states of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Manipur, Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir and Leh and Ladakh regions of Kashmir. | Height 165 cms | Chest Unexpanded 80 cms | Chest Expanded 85 cms |
SC/ST | Height 162.5 cms | Chest Unexpanded 77 cms | Chest Expanded 82 cms |
Physical Measurement – Female Candidates | |||
General | Height 157 cms | Chest Unexpanded-Not Applicable | Chest Unexpanded-Not Applicable |
For Candidates belonging to the Garhwalis, Kumaoni, Gorkha, Dogra, Maratha, and candidates from the states of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Manipur, Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir and Leh and Ladakh regions of Kashmir. | Height 155 cms | Chest Unexpanded-Not Applicable | Chest Unexpanded-Not Applicable |
SC/ST | Height 154 cms | Chest Unexpanded-Not Applicable | Chest Unexpanded-Not Applicable |
BSF SI GD Medical Fitness Exam
All candidates must adhere to SHAPE-1 Medical Condition. Any candidates failing to satisfy this requirement will be deemed unsuitable for recruitment.
BSF SI Physical Efficiency Test
Candidates will have to pass the BSF SI Physical Efficiency Test, which has been bifurcated for male and female Candidates. Find out all the information you need regarding the BSF SI PET in the table below.
Candidates are reminded that they must inform the BSF regarding any relaxation in the BSF SI PET 2020. This need must be put forward the BSF with the right documentation supporting the claim of the candidate.
For Male Candidates
Sr.No. | Events | Timings |
1 | 100 mtrs Race | In 16 seconds |
2 | 1.6km race | In 6 minutes and 30 seconds |
3 | Long Jump | 12 in 3 chances |
4 | High Jump | 3.9 feet in 3 chances |
5 | Shot Put 8 kilos | 14.8 feet in 3 chances |
For Female Candidates
Sr.No. | Events | Timings |
1 | 100 mtrs Race | In 18 seconds |
2 | 1.6km race | In 4 minutes |
3 | Long Jump | 9 Feet in 3 chances |
4 | High Jump | 3 Feet in 3 chances |
BSF SI GD Exam Syllabus
General Intelligence and Reasoning
- Analogies
- Similarities and differences
- Spatial visualization
- Spatial orientation
- Problem solving analysis
- Judgment
- Decision making
- Visual memory
- Discriminating observation
- Relationship concepts
- Arithmetical reasoning
- Verbal and figure classification
- Arithmetic number series
- Non-verbal series
- Coding and decoding
- Statement conclusion
- Syllogistic reasoning
Numerical Ability
- Computation of Whole Numbers
- Statistics
- Algebra
- Computation of Whole Numbers
- Statics
- Operations Research & Linear Programming
- Fractions
- Percentages
- Differential Geometry
- Time and Distance
- Analytical Geometry
- Calculus
- Discount
- Number Systems
- The relationship between Numbers
- Fundamental Arithmetical Operations
- Decimals
- Essential Mathematics
- Interest
- Ratio and Time
- Menstruation
- Differential Equations
- Averages
- Ratio and Proportion
- Dynamics
- Profit and Loss
- Real Analysis
- Time and Work
- Number systems
- Whole numbers
- Decimal and fractions
- Relationships between numbers
- Fundamental arithmetical operations
- Percentages
- Ratio and proportion
- Averages
- Interest
- Profit and loss
- Discount
- Use of table and graphs
- Mensuration
- Time and distance
- Ratio and proportion
General Awareness and Professional Knowledge
- Indian Parliament
- Famous Books & Authors
- Polity
- General Awareness of Environment & application to society
- Inventions in the World
- Zoology
- Basic Computer
- Knowledge of Current Events
- Botany
- Art & Culture
- Constitution
- History, Culture, Traditions, and Festivals
- Geography
- Physics
- Famous Days & Dates
- Chemistry
- Scientific Research
- National/ International Organizations /Institutions
- Economics
- Basic GK
- Sports
- Questions relating to History
- Everyday Science
⇒ Download BSF SI Syllabus and Exam Paper Pattern – CLICK HERE
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