HSSC Group D Syllabus | Detailed HSSC Group D Syllabus and Haryana Group D Exam Pattern – Download HSSC Group D Peon, Mali, Attendant, Beldar Syllabus PDF and HSSC Group D Peon Exam Pattern

Haryana SSC RecruitmentHSSC Group D Syllabus: If you are in search of the HSSC Group D Syllabus, then look no further as we have provided detailed information about it here on this page. HSSC Group D Exam Pattern and Haryana Group D Syllabus will help you prepare for this recruitment with ease.

Candidates can find out all the information they need regarding the important subjects and exam format from this article. Based on the HSSC Group D Exam Syllabus, candidates can prepare accordingly for the HSSC Peon, Beldar, Mali, etc Exam.

The Haryana Staff Selection Commission has not yet declared the HSSC Group D Exam Date. We will inform you about the Peon, Beldar, Mali, Attendant dates of examination for the year as soon as it is released by the HSSC.


Bear in mind that HSSC Recruitmentaims to hire candidates for a number of posts in Haryana Govt. therefore there will be thousands of candidates applying for this recruitment. Candidates will progress towards the final stage of selection only based on their performance in the written exam. Therefore it is highly advised that you prepare very well for the exam.

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Use the HSSC Group D Syllabus provided below to assist you in your HSSC Group D Exam preparation. All the best for your Exam Preparations.

HSSC Group D Exam Pattern

HSSC Group D Vacancy Notification

Advt. No. 4/
Recruitment BoardHaryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)
Job Details249 Vacancies
Job Category10th Pass Govt Jobs
Application Start DateTo be declared
Application Last DateTo be declared
Application ModeOnline
Examination modeOnline
Official Websitehssc.gov.in

HSSC Group D Exam Paper Pattern

Provided below is concise information regarding the HSSC Group D Exam Pattern. The Exam pattern is broken down based on the individual subjects and marks for each section. Pay close attention to the mark’s weightage in order to maximize your scoring opportunities.


The Exam Scheme for HSSC Group D Exam 2019 will be split into two parts. they are enlisted below.

  1. Candidates will have the opportunity to score 90 marks in the written exam.
  2. 10 marks will be awarded to candidates based on their experience and socio-economic factors.

HSSC Group D Exam Pattern

S.No.Exam TypePartsName of SubjectsWeightage of SubjectsMax. Marks

Objective Type Questions


General Awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, English, Hindi


90 Marks



History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture etc. of Haryana


The Written Exam will be conducted for a total of 90 marks. There will only be Objective type Questions. Candidates will have to answer a total of 90 questions. Each question will carry 1 mark. There is no negative mark scheme.

After the Written Exam, candidates will be awarded marks based on their Socio-Economic status and Experience in the post that they have applied for. This marking scheme has been described below.

  1. Candidates will be allotted 0.5 marks for each year of experience in the same or higher post than which they are applying for in any Department of the Government of Haryana. The maximum marks allotted will be 8 marks.
  2. If the candidate belongs to a denotified tribe or a nomadic Tribe of the State of Haryana they will be allotted 5 marks.
  3. The applicant who is a widow or if the applicant lost their father before attaining the age of 42 or if the applicant lost their father before he or she attained the age of 15, the candidate will be awarded 5 marks.
  4. If no person amongst the candidate’s father/mother has worked n the Haryana Govt, the candidate will be allotted 5 marks.

Exam Paper Pattern and syllabus pdf download

HSSC Group D Syllabus

The HSSC Group D Exam Syllabus encompasses the full details regarding all the subjects that the candidates need to prepare for in order to succeed in the computer-based test. Keep in mind a large number of applicants appearing for the exams. You have to perform well in the HSSC Group D Peon, Mali, Attendant Exam 2019 in order to qualify for selection.

Read through the detailed HSSC Group D syllabus we have provided below.

Syllabus PART 1


Indian Economy.GeographyFamous Books & Authors.
General Science.Literature.Indian History.
Sports.Famous Days & Dates.Environmental Issues.
Indian Parliament.Famous Places in India.Artists
Countries and Capitals.Rivers, Lakes and, Seas.Civics
Inventions and Discoveries.BiologyCurrent affairs.
Indian Politics.TourismHeritage


Non-Verbal Series.Arithmetical Reasoning.Directions.Embedded Figures.
Alphabet Series.Mirror Images.Clocks & Calendars.Blood Relations.
Coding-Decoding.Data Interpretation.Analogy.Decision Making.
Number Series.Statements & Arguments.Number Ranking.Syllogism.
Cubes and Dice.Statements & Conclusions.


Simple Interest.Height and Distance.Volume and Surface Area.
Races and Games.Time and Distance.Pipes and Cistern.
Partnership.Probability.Chain Rule.
Stocks and Share.Problems on H.C.F and L.C.M.Surds and Indices.
Numbers.Allegation or Mixture.Boats and Streams.
Logarithm.Ratio and Proportion.Area
Permutation and Combination.AverageDecimal Fraction.
Square Root and Cube Root.Compound Interest.Banker’s Discount.
Time and Work.SimplificationProblems on Ages.


Sentence Improvement.Active Voice and Passive Voice.Fill in the blanks.Error Correction (Underlined Part).
Idioms and Phrases.PrepositionsAntonymsSubstitution
Joining Sentences.Spotting Errors.Error Correction (Phrase in Bold).Para Completion.
SynonymsSentence Arrangement.Passage Completion.Sentence Completion.


Fill in the Blanks.VocabularyGrammarSynonymsIdioms & Phrases.
ComprehensionAntonymsTensesTransformation of Sentences.Usage of Words.


WorkEnergy and Power,KinematicsLaws of Motion,
OpticsDual Nature of Matter and Radiations,Principles of Communication,Metals and Non-Metals,
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body/ Gravitation,Mechanics of Solids and Fluids,Waves,Heat
OscillationsCurrent Electricity,ElectrostaticsMagnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism,
Electromagnetic Waves,Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current,Atomic Nucleus / Solid and Semi-Conductor DevicesChemistry

Syllabus – PART2


EarthNatural regions of IndiaPopulation distribution in India and other related topics.
Monsoon and ClimateNatural CalamitiesRotation and Revolution and their effects
Forests and WildlifeHill StationsLocation of Major Industries
Motions of EarthWeatherRainfall
National parksStructure of EarthIndian Towns and Places
Crops and MineralsMajor Ports

Current Affairs

AuthorsIndian EconomyAbbreviations
General KnowledgeInternational & National OrganizationsBook
BudgetHistoryGeneral Science


Indian CultureModern Indian HistoryThemes in Early Indian Cultural HistoryGuptas, Vakatakas and Vardhanas
Imperialism and ColonialismEarly State and Society in Eastern India, Deccan, and South IndiaBritish Expansion in IndiaEarly Structure of the British Raj
European Penetration into IndiaNation-State SystemMughal Empire in the Seventeenth CenturyEconomy and Society in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Mauryan EmpireSourcesIndian Response to British RuleCultural Traditions in India
Social and Cultural DevelopmentsEnlightenment and Modern ideasIndustrializationSociety, Culture, and Economy in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries
Origins of Modern PoliticsCulture in the Mughal EmpirePeriod of MahajanapadasIndus Valley Civilization
Pre-history and Proto-historyAryans and Vedic PeriodIndian Freedom StruggleMegalithic Cultures
Economic Impact of British Colonial RuleEarly Medieval IndiaThe regional States during the Gupta EraHistory of the World

HSSC Group D Exam Date

The Haryana Group D Exam Dates have not yet been declared by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission. The official Exam Date will be displayed on this page as soon as it is declared by the recruitment board. Bookmark this page as we will keep posting the latest updates regarding HSSC Exam Date.

Important links

Admit CardDownload HSSC Group D Admit Card
Exam ResultCheck HSSC Group D Exam Result
Official Notification pdfClick Here

We hope that this article about HSSC Group D Syllabus will be of great help to you in your HSSC Exam Preparation. For more information regarding the HSSC Group D Peon Exam, you can visit our dedicated page.

Feel free to ask us any queries you must have regarding the HSSC Group D Syllabus and Paper Pattern in the comment section below. We wish you all the best for your upcoming exam.

Updated: July 14, 2021 — 1:21 pm

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