Pashusavardhan Vibhag Result 2019- Maharashtra AHD Livestock Supervisor Merit List and Maha Parichar (Attendant) Cut Off Marks 2019- View Selected Candidates List here @

AHD-Maharashtra-RecruitmentPashusavardhan Vibhag Result 2019– If you have appeared for the Maharashtra AHD Computer Based Test, you will certainly be looking for the Pashusavardhan Result 2019. We have compiled all the information related to the Maharashtra Pashusavardhan Parichar/Attendant Result along with the Livestock Supervisor Results for the year 2019.

Furthermore, in this article, we have given the direct links to view the Pashusavardhan Vibhag Merit List and the Maharashtra AHD Cut off. These links are taken from the official portal of the Maharashtra State Govt which is

Additionally, you can also find credible information on the official website of the recruitment organization, ie., But please note that since the AHD Maharashtra Result has not yet been declared, these links will only take you to the official portal.


The Pashusavardhan Vibhag Bharti 2019 is an effort by the Maharashtra govt to increase employment in the rural areas of the state. The recruitment spanned the state in various districts like Nagpur, Nashik, Aurangabad, Pune, Akola, Amravati, Buldhana, Yavatmal, Washim, Gadchiroli, Beed, Jalna, Osmanabad, Latur, Nanded, Hingol, Parbhani, Thane, Palghar, Raigad, Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, Bhandara, Chandrapur, Gondia, Wardha, Ahmednagar, Dhule, Jalgaon, Nandurbar, Kolhapur, Sangli, Satara, and Solapur.

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So, the Pashusavardhan Results 2019 will ascertain the names of those candidates who have been selected for the job opening after having cleared all the levels of the selection procedure.

So, now that you have gathered the basic point of this article, let us move onto the detailed content.


Maharashtra Pashusavardhan Vibhag Results and Merit List

पशुसंवर्धन विभाग महाराष्ट्र भरती

Maharashtra AHD Recruitment 2019

Recruitment BoardMaharashtra Animal Husbandry Department
Number of Vacancies 729 vacancies
Post NameLivestock Supervisor and Attendant
CategoryAgriculture Jobs
Application End Dates24 March 2019
Tentative Preliminary Test DatesTo be declared
Selection ProcessWritten Exam


Admit Card release date10 days prior to the exam
Application ModeOnline.

Selection Procedure

Computer Based Test


Document Verification

AHD Recruitment

Pashusavardhan Vibhag Exam Cut off Marks

After appearing for the Computer Based Test of the recruitment, candidates will be looking for credible sources which would give them details about the Pashusavardhan Maharashtra Result 2019.

We regret to inform that the Animal Husbandry Department or the Pashusavardhan Vibhag of Maharashtra is yet to release the official AHD Maharashtra Cut off Marks 2019.

The Maharashtra Pashusavardhan cut off is directly related to various factors. Since there are just over 700 posts and the number of applicants are in lakhs, candidates can expect tough competition.

The cut off will be an endpoint of the following factors.

  • The sum total number of vacancies
  • Difficulty Level of examination
  • Average marks scored by the applicants
  • Reservation according to each Category

AHD Maharashtra Merit List Result

Additionally, the Maharashtra Pashusavardhan Vibhag Merit List will enlist the names of the contenders who have successfully scored above the cut off marks declared by the organisation.

The Selected candidates’ list will be put up on the official portal of the state government. We have linked this website below.

Pashusavardhan Vibhag Parichar and Pashudhan Paryavekshak Merit List 2019- Click Here

Maharashtra AH Department Interview Dates 2019

What after the Pashusavardhan Vibhag Bharti CBT 2019?

Since the written exam is now over, candidates can turn their focus to the next part of the recruitment which is the interview.

The interview will be one on one meeting with the officials and candidates will have to prepare for it well. All the candidates who get called for the interview will also have to verify and provide authentic documents to validate their identity.

But since the dates for the interview and document verification has not been finalised yet, you are advised to stay connected with us on this page and you will never miss an update about the Pashusavardhan Bharti 2019.

Sarkari Exam Result

Important Links

Admit CardMaha Pashusavardhan Vibhag Admit Card
Recruitment Maharashtra AH Dept. Recruitment Notification
SyllabusMaharashtra Pashusavardhan Vibhag Syllabus and Exam Paper Pattern PDF Download
Previous year Question PapersMaharashtra Animal Husbandry Department Exam Question Papers
Answer KeyMaharashtra Animal Husbandry Department Exam Answer Key
Official Website

How was your score? Did you get good news regarding the Maharashtra Pashusavardhan Vibhag Result 2019? We sincerely hope that we were the bearers of the good news.

Furthermore, leave your marks secured in the comment section below. In case you have any difficulty accessing the AHD Maharashtra Merit List 2019, do let us know and we will come to your aid as soon as possible.

In addition, we would suggest that you pin this page onto your preferred browser so that you do not miss out any of the latest updates about the Maharashtra Pashusavardhan Vibhag Bharti. In the end, we would request you to subscribe to our website

Updated: March 10, 2019 — 1:24 pm

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