Mazagon Dock Limited Technical Staff Result 2019- MDL, Mumbai Operatives Merit List and Welder, Driver Cut off Marks @

Mazagon Dock Recruitment NotificationMazagon Dock Ltd Result 2019– Please note that given below are all the details of the MDL Result 2019. These details are updated time to time from the official website of the Mazagon Dockyard Limited. The result will be for the various Technical Staff and Operatives posts.

The official MDL result 2019 will consist of the Mazagon Dock Recruitment Cut Off and Merit List which will lay down the names of all those candidates who have cleared the first round of the recruitment process. This will enable you to participate in the next round of the selection procedure. If you have scored above the cut off then you will definitely feature in the Mazagon Dock Limited Merit List.

So, it is safe to assume that the result will be declared on the official website of the organization which is This will mean that after the successful completion of the online recruitment exam, candidates will now be assessed carefully and filtered into the next stage of the recruitment selection process.


The Mazagon Dockyard recruitment was a splendid opening for the candidates who were looking for a government job in Mumbai. With around 798 vacancies, the estimated number of applicants was guessed to be in thousands. Since the application process is now over and the selection procedure is also on the cusp of its end, candidates would now be eagerly waiting for the MDL Bharti Result 2019.

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This recruitment was conducted for the posts of Technical Staff & Operative which means that there were various posts for the recruitment. Some of them were- Composite Welder, Jr Draughtsman (Mechanical), Electric Crane Operator, Electrician, Electronic, Mechanic, Engine Driver Spl Class, Engine Driver 1st Class, Master 1st Class, Master 2nd Class, Fitter, Machinist, Pipe Fitter, Jr Planner Estimator (Mechanical), Jr Planner Estimator, (Electrical/ Electronics), Jr Q C Inspector (Mechanical), Structural Fabricator, Safety Inspector, Utility Hand (Skilled), Compressor Attendant, Security Sepoy (Ex-servicemen), Utility Hand (Semi-Skilled), Fire Fighter, Driver, Painter and Store Keeper.

So, let us begin with the article- To start off, we will show you the details of the vacancy. And after that, we will continue with the result details, merit list and cut off.


Mazagon MDL Results

Mazagon Dock Limited Recruitment 2018-19

Recruitment BoardMazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL)

(A Government of India Undertaking)

Total Vacancies798 Posts
Name of the postTechnical Staff & Operative
Mode of ApplicationOnline

Mazagon Dockyard Mumbai Selection Procedure

  • Written Test,
  • Experience in Shipbuilding Industry and
  • Trade Test.

For more information related to the Mazagon Dockyard Mumbai Selection Procedure, head over to theMazagon Dock Limited Syllabus 2018 19.

How to get your Mazagon Dock Limited, Mumbai Technical Staff and Operative Results 2019 Online?

  1. Start by going to the official web portal, that is,
  2. The result will be there on the official webpage as a news flash. Click on it. (If you are unable to find out the page, you can also click on the lnk given below and go to it directly.
  3. When you find the page, enter your registration details (registration number and date of birth)
  4. Click on submit and your result will be on your screen.
  5. Download and save (CTRL+D) your MDL Parinaam 2019 and Save in Pdf format.
  6. Now finally, take a copy of the PDF of your result for references if you have been selected.

Check Mazagon Dock, Mumbai Technical and Operatives Results 2019- Click here Mazagon Dock ReCut Off Marks 2019

Entrants, please note that the Mazagon Dock Recruitment Cut off marks have not been finalized as of yet. Since the cutoffs have not been released yet, we will provide the previous year cut offs of the Mazagon Dock Recruitment as soon as we get it. This will be given as the expected cut off of the vacancy for the year 2018-19. So, make sure to stay here when it is updated. You can ensure this by bookmarking this site onto your favourite browser.

Also note, this page will be updated as soon as the cut off is published by the organization. Candidates who have secured marks above the MDL Cut Off according to the category will be selected for the next part of the recruitment which is there.

Meanwhile, we must inform you that the result and cut off will be based upon the following factors. These are-

  • Mumbai Mazagon Dock 2019 Question Paper difficulty level
  • The total number of vacancies available in the opening.
  • Typical marks scored by the candidates who applied for the exam.
  • Category wise Reservation

Mazagon Dock Interview List and Final Merit List 2019

The MDL exam merit list will specify the names of those applicants who have qualified for the written stage of the selection procedure. This list will mostly be congruent to the Interview list which will have the names of those candidates who will have to appear for the interview.

The Mazagon Dock, Mumbai will declare the merit list soon, this will be as soon as the online test papers are assessed. Since the merit list hasn’t been published yet, the Team would recommend the aspirants to bookmark our site because we will be updating our page as soon as any significant data comes up.

Sarkari Exam Result

Important Links

Mazagon Dock Recruitment NotificationClick Here
Mazagon Dock Job SyllabusClick Here
Mazagon Dock Vacancies Admit CardClick Here
MDL Answer KeyClick Here
Mazagon Dock Previous Year papersClick Here
Detail Official Application NotificationDownload Official Notification

Did you find theMDL Technical staff Result and cut offarticle useful? If you did, make sure to share this page with all those who might be appearing for the same.

We are a credible source when it comes to any Mazagon Dock Recruitment related information. In case of any queries, ensure that you comment below and clear it out before heading forward.

In conclusion, do subscribe to our website @GovtJobIndia.comfor latest and upcoming govt job vacancies across the country. Finally, also bookmark this page for further updates about the Mazagon Dock Careers.

Updated: January 21, 2019 — 4:21 pm

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