Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam Apprentice Result 2019 | Written Exam Results @ to be declared on 1st February 2019 | Naval Dockyard Trade Apprentice Final Merit List and Cut Off To Be Out Soon

Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam ApprenticeNaval Dockyard Visakhapatnam Apprentice Result 2019:Candidates are hereby informed that the declaration of Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam Apprentice Results 2019 will be on 1st February 2019. Please ensure that the contact details mentioned while applying for the recruitment are active to receive all the necessary notifications from the authority. Applicants will also need to keep their hall ticket safe and intact till the end of the recruitment procedure.

Please stay in touch with this space as we will keep adding all the latest updates here itself once we get hold of it. Naval Dockyard Trade Apprentice Result will be out as soon as the examinations are over. Moreover, the official website @ will display the final list and after result schedule once the selection is completed.

Aspirants are notified that details regarding the Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam Apprentice Result 2019 are not yet out. You would be able to see the same on this space soon. Please read the article below to know more about the result and gather all the vital information required. At the end of the article please enter your questions or doubts in the comment section.


Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam Apprentice Recruitment 2018-19

Recruitment BoardNaval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam
Total Vacancies275 Seats
Location/StateVisakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Application Last Date5th December 2018
Exam Date31st January to 13th February 2019
Hall Ticket release dateCandidates can download the Hall Ticket Format as soon as they submit the application online
Application ModeOnline and Offline
Official WebsiteCLICK HERE
Name of PostApprentice

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Naval Dockyard Apprentice Visakhapatnam Exam Details

Candidates will have to clear 3 stages in order to get selected for the final list. There will be a written examination at first. Post written examination the candidates will be called out for personal interview based on the reservation categories and trades. Hence, please ensure that you are well aware of the trade type you have selected.

A major topic in the personal interview would be checking applicant’s technical knowledge regarding the trade that is selected. Please make sure that you are well prepared about the trade topics to crack the personal interview. The allowance will be provided by the authority to the personal interview candidates only.

No accommodation or allowance will be given to the candidates applying for the written examination. Once the candidates have cleared the personal interview, a medical examination will be conducted to prepare the last list. For more details regarding Examination please check the official website @


Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam Apprentice Exam Result

As of now the official result date announced by the regulatory authority is 1st February 2019 at DAS. Apart from the date detail, no other information regarding the result is out yet. Once the Naval Dockyard Apprentice Visakhapatnam Result is set or the information about the same is announced, candidates shall be able to see the same on this space.

We will also keep updating any other information that serves the purpose for the result or final merit list. All the aspirants are requested to check the updates displayed by the regulatory authority on the official website @

How to check Naval Dockyard Apprentice Visakhapatnam Result

  1. As soon as the written examination is completed, applicants will be notified about the Naval Dockyard Apprentice Visakhapatnam Result.
  2. To check result, please visit the official website @
  3. On the main page of the official website, candidates will be able to see all the official notifications and updates by the authority.
  4. A notification regarding the Visakhapatnam Apprentice Result will be displayed among all the other notifications.
  5. Most probably it will be in a pdf form. Please click and check for your name/number and proceed ahead accordingly.
  6. In case if the candidate wishes to raise a question or have a doubt regarding the result, please select the “contact us” option on the right-hand side of the home page. The authority will get back to you.

Naval Dockyard Apprentice Visakhapatnam Result – CHECK HERE Govt Exam Results

Important Links

RecruitmentNaval Dockyard Apprentice Visakhapatnam Recruitment 2018-19
SyllabusDownload Naval Dockyard Apprentice Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2018
Admit CardDownload Naval Dockyard Apprentice Hall Ticket 2018
Official WebsiteCLICK HERE

Once the results are declared by the Indian Navy, we will let you know here itself. Please stay in touch with us for more updates and the latest information. Hope the article was informatory and helpful to you. Please drop in your questions or doubts in the comment section below and we will get back to you with the resolutions!

Updated: November 26, 2018 — 5:33 pm

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