PBDWSS Recruitment 2018 Online Application Form for 210 Junior Engineer Posts Last Date to Apply Online 11th July 2018 @www.pbdwss.gov.in

Department of Water Supply and Sanitation punjab PBDWSS RecruitmentThe Punjab Department of water supply and sanitation has recently released their PBDWSS Recruitment 2018 wherein they have mentioned that they are presently seeking to hire 210 Junior Engineers.

For all of you engineering and B.E. graduates who have worked hard over the last few years to land a well paid and prestigious job as an engineer in the Government sector, the PBDWSS recruitment 2018 is made especially for you.

A Government Job in Punjab not only provides you with an opportunity to flaunt your skills as an Engineer but will also lead to you contributing to the development of the State itself.


The PBDWSS Salary scale for Junior Engineer is Rs.10300/- to Rs.34800/- (+4800 Grade Pay). Do we really need to say more to convince you Engineers to give the PBDWSS JE Recruitment an attempt?

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Why this Article is important for you Engineers and fresh Engineering Graduates?

India remains one of the world’s premier producers of Engineers. Every year the number of engineering graduates in India keeps on increasing. Dazeinfo mention in their article that over only about 66% engineering grads from IIT achieve placements. This number is even lower for Tier 2 and Tier 3 Colleges.


If you are seeking government job in India for Engineering graduates then don’t worry as The Government sector remains one of the highest recruiters of engineers from all over the country. Every year thousands of vacancies open up in the government sector for Engineering pass outs.

The opportunity provided here by the PBDWSS is one of the many opportunities provided by the Indian government for Engineers. Therefore if you are a fresh engineering pass out or even if you are an established engineer then we urge that you check out this article as it contains information regarding PBDWSS Junior Engineer Recruitment 2018.

On a side note, we would like to remind you of the many perks of a government job (think allowances!) especially one as well paid as that of an engineer. If this doesn’t convince you then how about the fact that Government jobs are the most secure jobs in the Indian Economy

PBDWSS JE Recruitment details:

PBDWSS JE Recruitment is set to begin on 16th June 2018. Effectively this means that all of you aspiring candidates can start to apply online for DWSS Recruitment 2018 on the same date. Before you apply though there are a number of details that you have to pay attention to.

These include major details like the PBDWSS Vacancy Details and the PBDWSS Junior Engineer Eligibility Criteria. Once candidates are aware of all the vacancy details and the associated eligibility for Junior Engineer Vacancy, the next thing that would matter to you is the PBDWSS Application Process and PBDWSS JE Application Fees.

All this information regarding water supply and sanitation department Punjabrecruitment 2018 has been provided for you in this article by our team here at GovtJobIndia. So sit back relax and browse through this article for all the information you need regarding PBDWSS Recruitment 2018.

Before we proceed though, we would like to request you to read the PBDWSS Official Recruitment Notification 2018 and also visit their official website should you have any queries. We have provided links to both of them in this article for your convenience.

PBDWSS Junior Engineer Vacancy Details 2018

Board NameWater Supply and Sanitation Department Punjab
Job DesignationJunior Engineer
No. of Vacancies210 Posts (199 Civil Engineers & 11 Electrical Engineers)
Application Starting Date16th June 2018
Closing Date to Apply11th July 2018
Admit Card Release Date16th July 2018
Exam Date28th July 2018
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Selection Process
  • Written Examination
  • Interview
Official Websitewww.pbdwss.gov.in
Work LocationPunjab

Punjab Water Supply Recruitment 2018 Reservation Policy

PBDWSS JE vacancies abide by the Reservation Policies put forward by the Water Supply and Sanitation Department Punjab. Like most state recruitment boards the reservation put forward by the PBDWSS also only abide to residents of Punjab. Candidates are requested to keep this in mind before they apply for the PBDWSS Junior Engineer Recruitment 2018.

The entire PBDWSS Reservation policy is enlisted below.

Total Number of Posts in DWSS Recruitment Punjab

PBDWSS Junior Engineer (Civil Engineer) Vacancies – 199 Posts

2Schedule Caste Mazhbi & Balmiki (Punjab)13
3Schedule Caste Ramdasia & Others (Punjab)12
4Backward Class(Punjab)26
5Ex-serviceman – General (Punjab)22
6Ex-serviceman – Schedule Caste(Punjab)13
7Ex Serviceman – Backward Class (Punjab)06
8Sportsperson – General (Punjab)06
9Sportsperson – Schedule Caste(Punjab)05
10PwD – Persons with Disabilities(Punjab)07
11Freedom Fighters (Punjab)04
Total Vacancies199 Posts

PBDWSS Reservation JE Recruitment

PBDWSS Junior Engineer (Electrical/Mechanical Engineer) Vacancies – 11

2Schedule Caste Mazhbi & Balmiki(Punjab)01
3Schedule Caste Ramdasia & Others (Punjab)02
4Backward Class(Punjab)01
5Ex-serviceman – General (Punjab)01
6PwD – Persons with Disabilities(Punjab)01
Total Vacancies11 Posts

PBDWSS Electrical engineer Recruitment reservation

Eligibility Criteria For PBDWSS Junior Engineer recruitment 2018

Educational Qualification for PBDWSS Recruitment 2018

Junior Engineer – Civil

Should possess three years* Diploma in Civil Engineering or its equivalent/ higher qualification from a recognized university or institution or any other equivalent or higher qualification recognized by the government.

Junior Engineer – Mechanical/Electrical

Should possess three years* Diploma in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering or its equivalent/ higher qualification from a recognized university or institution or any other equivalent or higher qualification recognized by the government.

PBDWSS Junior Engineer Recruitment Age limit and Age relaxation

The PBDWSS has deemed it necessary that all of you aspiring candidates who are applying for the PBDWSS Junior Engineer Recruitment 2018 must ensure that you satisfy the age limit requirement set by the PBDWSS Recruitment 2018. Kindly glance at the PBDWSS Recruitment age limit provided below.

PBDWSS JE Minimum Age (General)18 years
PBDWSS Junior Engineer Maximum Age (General)37 years

We would like to inform all the candidates that their age will be considered as per their age in 1/1/2018.

However the PBDWSS provides an array of Age relaxations policies for candidates who are reserved. The details for the same are provided below so kindly check it out and ensure your eligibility before applying for the PBDWSS Recruitment 2018.

Widows/Divorcees42 Years
SC/ST/SEBC Candidates (of Punjab origin ONLY)42 Years
PwD47 Years
Ex-ServicemenActual service rendered plus 3 Years
Employees working in the State Government45 Years

Department of Water Supply and Sanitation, Punjab Recruitment 2018 Selection Procedure

Candidates who desire the post of Junior Engineer in the PBDWSS are required to appear for the PBDWSS Exam 2018. The candidates will be selected for allotment based on their performance in this PBDWSS Exam.

The PBDWSS Exam will consist of the following stages:

  • Main Written Test
  • Personal Interview

Be advised that this exam is the only means of selection for the later stages of the recruitment process by the PBDWSS. For Detailed information regarding the PBDWSS syllabus and Exam Pattern we would like to direct you towards our dedicated Punjab Water Board Recruitment Syllabus page.

Furthermore any more details you require regarding the PBDWSS Selection Procedure can be found in the PBDWSS recruitment Notification 2018 pdf. A link for the same has been provided further along this article. We strongly recommend that you complete the PBDWSS Junior Engineer Recruitment pdf download and read it carefully for in-depth information regarding the PBDWSS Selection Process.

PBDWSS Junior Engineer Salary Structure

For all of you aspiring candidates who manage to crack the PBDWSS Exam and complete the PBDWSS Selection procedure will be welcomed by a handsome salary scale of Rs.10300/- to Rs.34800/- (+4800 Grade Pay)

PBDWSS Recruitment Application Fee

The PBDWSS Recruitment Application Fee for the post of Junior Engineer is exactly as it is described below. We remind you that you can complete the application fee submission through online payment methods like Credit card, Debit Card or Net Banking. You also have offline payment methods in the form of cash challan. The requisite fees for PBDWSS Recruitment is tabulated below:

General CandidatesRs.1000/-
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Socially & Educationally Backward Classes, Differently Abled Persons [PH – only Orthopaedically disabled]Rs.500/-

For further details regarding fee payment we would like you to visit the PBDWSS Recruitment Notification pdf.

How to Apply Online for Punjab DWSS Junior Engineer Recruitment 2018? @www.pbdwss.gov.in

  • We recommend that all of you candidates read the official notification pdf before applying for the PBDWSS Junior Engineer Recruitment 2018. This is because the Official PBDWSS Notification contains all the fine print i.e. minor details regarding the PBDWSS Junior Engineer Recruitment 2018.
  • Candidates must ensure that they are eligible for the PBDWSS Junior Engineer vacancy before they apply for the PBDWSS Junior Engineer Recruitment 2018.
  • Once these details have been attended to, you can then proceed to filling the form accurately. Make sure that you take your time and fill the form patiently ensuring that there are no errors.
  • Make sure you have a scanned copy of your passport sized photo and a scanned copy of your signature as these are both essential documents in the PBDWSS Junior Engineer Application Process. If you don’t have scanned files of your photo and signature then you can get it done from your nearest cyber Café.

These are some of the major details regarding the PBDWSS Junior Engineer Application process. For more details kindly visit the Official website of the PBDWSS or the Official PBDWSS Junior Engineer Recruitment Notification pdf.

Important Official Links for PBDWSS Junior Engineer Recruitment 2018 Job Notification:

Notification PDFClick Here
Apply OnlineClick Here
Recruitment DetailsPunjab PBDWSS Junior Engineer Recruitment 2018 Details
Admit CardDownload PBDWSS Junior Engineer Recruitment Admit Card
ResultPBDWSS Junior Engineer Result Update Soon
Official WebsiteClick Here

We hope that this article regarding the PBDWSS Recruitment 2018 has provided you with the information you need. We wish the very best for you in all your endeavors and you have our personal well wishes for a successful application process. If you liked this article then do provide us with your feedback in the comment section. For more content like this regarding Government Jobs in India we suggest that you subscribe to our website and bookmark us on your favorite browser for regular updates.

Updated: June 21, 2018 — 6:00 pm

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